Airport Animal Hospital 705-476-3913

Join us at our Microchip Clinic on Friday, July 26th from 9 am - 12 pm and 1:30 pm - 4 pm.
No appointment needed. Open to the public, so tell your friends!

Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

Contact our team to schedule your pet's next visit to the vet.

Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

Contact our team to schedule your pet's next visit to the vet.

Ultrasounds and X-rays are diagnostic imaging tools that give us insight into the inner workings of your pet’s body. The images they generate provide a window into the internal organs and systems we cannot see with the naked eye. Both help us provide you with a more accurate diagnosis of your pet’s health concerns.

What’s the difference between an ultrasound and X-ray?

An ultrasound uses sound waves to generate images whereas an X-rays (radiographs) uses electromagnetic radiation. For ultrasounds, sound waves back and forth between a handheld probe and the area being examined. For X-rays, radiation helps highlight specific areas of your pet’s body that are penetrable. Though the level of radiation exposure from X-rays has significantly improved, we take every precaution to ensure your pet and our team’s safety. This includes our team wearing protective gear and providing your pet with a protective covering to prevent radiation exposure to areas not being X-rayed.

When do you use an ultrasound versus X-ray?

Ultrasounds are useful for helping us create three-dimensional images of your pet’s soft tissue. These include your pet’s heart, nervous and gastrointestinal systems. X-rays, on the other hand, help us to see fractures, abnormalities in the lungs, enlarged heart or foreign objects your furry friend might’ve swallowed. Depending on your pet’s symptoms and overall health, we use one tool instead of the other.

Does my pet need to be sedated?

We try to only sedate pets if it’s necessary, like if they’re having difficulty staying still or are extremely anxious. We position your pet to ensure they’re comfortable. We’ll take their picture and monitor them throughout. If you have any questions about our diagnostic imaging, please contact us at 705-476-3913.

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