Airport Animal Hospital 705-476-3913

Join us at our Microchip Clinic on Friday, July 26th from 9 am - 12 pm and 1:30 pm - 4 pm.
No appointment needed. Open to the public, so tell your friends!

Euthanasia Services

Providing compassionate care during a difficult time.

Euthanasia Services

Providing compassionate care during a difficult time.

Deciding to peacefully end your pet’s life can be a difficult one and we deeply empathize with you. As you consider the best decision for your furry family member and family, we want to support you with all the information you need. Though there is no right time to say goodbye to your pet, we’re here to help you through this process.

How does veterinary euthanasia work?

Euthanasia includes giving your pet a medication via an IV injection in their leg, to peacefully end their life. One dose will leave your pet unconscious, shutting down their heart and brain in a few minutes. Though your pet might twitch or take one last breath after receiving the medication, they’re not in any pain. Euthanasia ensures your pet respectfully transitions with dignity and care. If you have questions about the process, please contact us at 705-476-3913.

How do I make the right decision?

The right decision is one that considers your pet and family’s needs. Depending on your pet’s age or stage of illness, their health condition could be impacting their overall quality of life. You can tell if your pet’s quality of life is decreasing if they’re experiencing a lot of pain, are having trouble moving around your home easily, seem less engaged in activities they usually enjoy or display drastic changes in their behaviour. It’s important you discuss this decision with your family and loved ones so they can offer their support. Our veterinary team can also share your pet’s current health concerns and assess their overall wellbeing. However, ultimately, the final decision is based on what you think is best.

How do I prepare for the final appointment?

You and your family should try to spend as much time as possible with your pet leading up to the appointment. It’s important everyone has an opportunity to say their goodbyes. Especially if you have children, find the time to discuss what’s happening with them and allow them to process this change. There is no wrong or right way to grieve the loss of your furry friend. If you need support with grieving the loss of your pet, our veterinary team can support you with resources like support groups who can help you process.

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