Airport Animal Hospital 705-476-3913

Join us at our Microchip Clinic on Friday, July 26th from 9 am - 12 pm and 1:30 pm - 4 pm.
No appointment needed. Open to the public, so tell your friends!

Deworming Services for Pets

Protect your pet from deadly parasites by deworming them regularly.

Deworming Services for Pets

Protect your pet from deadly parasites by deworming them regularly.

Parasites can wreak havoc on your pet’s organs, causing long lasting damage. Deworming regularly, in addition to other parasite control measures, ensures your pet’s risk of infections or transmission to other pets or humans, will remain low. Removing any internal or external parasites improves their overall health.

Why does my pet need to be dewormed?

Your pet will contract worms throughout their life, even as early as when they’re puppies and kittens. Puppies and kittens get parasites from their mothers while nursing. We recommend they get dewormed every two weeks, at least until they’re 3-months-old. Sometimes your pet has intestinal parasites that aren’t traceable with a fecal or blood test. Even indoor pets can contract parasites, which is why we recommend all pets get dewormed regularly.

How does deworming work?

Risk factors like where you live, if you travel with your pet or how often they go outside can increase their likelihood of a parasite infection. Based on these risk factors, we’ll recommend a deworming medication that will work best for your pet. Depending on the medication, one product can be enough to target a range of internal or external parasites. Deworming removes parasites without harming your pet. If you have questions about deworming medications, call us at 705-476-3913.

How can I protect my pet against parasites?

In addition to regular deworming, we recommend that your pet be on a monthly parasite preventive. This oral medication or injection protects your pet from a range of internal and external parasites, if taken as directed. Even skipping one dose can put your pet at risk of contracting a parasite. In addition, it’s important we check your pet for worms at least once a year. At home, make sure you’re disposing of your pet’s waste correctly. After handling your pet’s poop or litter or even after touching your pet, make sure you’re washing your hands thoroughly.

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